Povilas Brilius
Feb 21, 2021


Coding MVC implementation on the basis of laminas/laminas-mvc case, but business entity scale. So, advanced to a stage of a working RedBeans app with MVC approach, models extending RedBean_SimmpleModel . It’s none of a fuss to examine and understand things like IoT, though they are mostly informatics and IT ICT stage culprits.

OmnitelEzys progression

I think that mostly Economics should examine and investigate things related to enterprise economics, especially when they are working on their own. Nonetheless, ICT specialists are welcome, however, when they are scrutinizing society things and elements like social engineering, but it has to be covered.

composer require laminas/laminas-mvc
composer remove laminas/laminas-mvc



Povilas Brilius

PHP Developer in e-commerce and e-loans industry fields.